Straight Road Virtual Solutions

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Phone Scams Target Small Business Owners

The BBB is warning that scammers are calling people who applied for an SBA loan. If you applied for financial assistance from the SBA, there is a new scam that targets you. The scammers are attempting to take advantage of small business owners that are looking for information on their loans.

Scammers are very sophisticated in their schemes lately. They may have produced a convincing website or the person on the phone may seem very professional and genuinely concerned about your and your business. The key focus when dealing with anyone contacting you is that they are calling from a legitimate company. Ask them who they work for and where is the company located. Every legitimate company representative can provide that information and you can verify it through a brief google search or a visit to the BBB website.

If you have been caught up in a scam that you would like to report, visit the BBB website at

Let’s be careful so we can maintain our victory and not become a victim.

Have a great day!!!