Work From Home Is Here To Stay

While many people thought that working from home was temporary due to the pandemic, there are people like me who have fallen in love with it and do not want to go back to a public office setting. Employees and managers have found that working from home during the pandemic was beneficial and showed increase in performance.

The research done by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development leads us to believe that telework is here to stay as companies continue to exhibit high levels of digital preparedness. Researchers also indicated that governments will need to ensure sufficient internet coverage and set regulations to provide training for those at risk of being left out.

It was also suggested that the work week should be reduced to three days a week. But Iā€™m not buying into that notion. The level of task completion may be hindered with the reduction in the days that individuals must work.

We will say how our government views the information provided from this research. But as for me, I will continue working from home.


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